21 September 2006

What do I miss?

Someone recently asked me what was hardest about no longer being married.

My answer was that I no longer have someone to open jars.

Yeah, that's about it.


Anonymous said...

We need to figure out a way to open jars via TCP. Then you wouldn't have any downsides at all!!

Anonymous said...

Thats why we have those squishy mat things that old people use to open jars...

Devout Hypocrite said...

Oh, I've already decided that should I get married again, my husband will live far away. That way we can't annoy each other. Just figure on a weekend visit every few months. I guess he can open the jars for me then! Though...TCP jar-opening would rock. Think we can put bug-killing there too?

Anonymous said...

Oh, remote debugging has been a feature of many programming environments for a long time!!

Alternatively, you could always "Margaret" your insects. Margareting is a very effective technique for disposing of flies, mosquitoes, and other annoying insects.

The name is derived from Mad Margaret of Reddering, who said: "Listen! I killed a fly this morning. It buzzed, and I wouldn't have it. So it died - POP!" - and on the POP, indicated graphically the technique which now bears her name.

The technique itself is quite simple. Arrange yourselves so that the fly is between the palms of your hands, and then applaud once, enthusiastically. Voila! One dead fly. (NOTE: This technique is not recommended when you are in the presence of people who object to dirty hands. Or just wash them immediately.) Much cleaner than sprays or poisons, leaves no harmful residue, and requires no tools other than what God gave you at birth!