18 December 2006


Today I feel ugly, fat and stupid.

Ugly: my skin's broken out and my hair won't do what it's supposed to.

Fat: I gained some weight back when I broke my foot (no more yoga or cardio stuff) and I'm also swollen. So I stepped on the scale at the dr's office today and neither she nor I liked what we saw. Blech. Time for some miracle diet.

Stupid: If you ever want to feel like an idiot, go to physical therapy. I can't move my foot the right way. It looks so easy, and I can't do it.

(and yes, I realize intellectually that my foot is damaged and this is retraining. But darn it, I still feel dumb!)

Oh, and I get to look forward to feeling pregnant. My doctor put me on hormones. This means I will now have morning sickness. Yay.

All I really want to do is binge on chocolate. But that would make everything worse.
If you've got a good joke or some way to cheer me up, leave me a comment or email me at devouthypocrite@gmail.com

Returning the favor:
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
To get to the bottom!

What did the grape say when a man stepped on it?
Nothing, it just let out a little whine/wine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Good, Clean Funnies List (www.gcfl.net) has provided me with plenty of laughs. The latest one isn't the best, but there've been some superb ones recently.

The archive's worth a browse, if you're not acquainted with the site.

Re hair: 1 Samuel 16:7. 'Nuff zed.
